Sunday, May 10, 2009

I was watching the Daily Show last week, and i saw this segment on Pakistan and their problems with the Taliban. I didn't think all that much of it then, even though it was interesting, but while i was writing my simulation reflection this afternoon, i thought about how it connected to many of the things that i have learned throughout this unit. I think that Jon Stewart does a great job satirizing the relationship between the United Sates and the affairs of the Middle East, and in fact the situation in the Middle East as a whole. The way that the situation in Pakistan is depicted, Stewart shows a large difference in what the United States expected when they sent $10 billion to the Pakistani government to counter terrorism, and what they have actually done with it. He also shows how the U.S. has also been unsuccessful in their war against terrorism, and how perilous a situation Pakistan is actually in. According to the segment, which is admittedly a comedy show, but also a reasonably trustworthy view of current events, the Pakistani government is on the verge of collapsing, the Taliban is close to reaching a major city, the nukes are possibly in danger, and the President is in America asking for help. The way it is shown makes it seem like the Pakistani president is using America's economic power as an argument that we should be giving them money. Seeing as America is already dedicated to fighting terrorism, and helping Pakistan would be beneficial, the President has a point. At the same time, it seems like they are just taking advantage of us because we're locked in. The point i'm trying to make is that this unit has taught me not to trust any one dialogue in regards to a political or military crisis, and to see the problem from all sides. This show connects that lesson to a current topic, and reinforces McNamara's argument that you need to understand how you're enemy feels, and act accordingly.

By the way, is a fantastic place to get any video clips from shows, it lets you embed clips in, choosing which segment of time from the video. It also has a huge collection of tv shows and movies, and is legal. Check it out

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