Thursday, February 5, 2009

How Much Do We Really Need In A Cell Phone?

I was recently browsing through CNN when i came across a couple videos regarding new "innovations" for cell phones. One of the videos was all about new motion sensing software that can be programmed into phones that allows the user to control it by tilting and moving it. While this may be cool, it does seem rather unnecessary. Since when is a cell phones primary function to play videogames and surf the web, not to actually make phone calls? It seems that as a society, Americans tend to romanticize their gadgets, especially their phones. All these new things that we can do with our phones are described as "groundbreaking" or "revolutionary", but in reality, most of them are just glorified ways for us to waste our time. The actual importance of these things seems to have been lost in an obsession for all things new and technological. This point is best said by the famous comedian George Carlin, who commented that “Nobody questions things in this country anymore, nobody questions things. Why? People are too fat and happy. People are way too f****** prosperous for their own good. Everybody’s got a cell phone that’ll make pancakes... now”. The other video that i found on CNN was showcasing a new phone that is a watch. The man showing the watch/phone to us compared it to gadgets from James Bond or Dick Tracy. Yeah, great, well as much as i want to talk into my wrist all day, i think i might leave the novelty factor for the movies. All i need in my phone is the ability to call people and send the occasional text message.,

1 comment:

MichelleM said...

I completely agree. I think that now, many Americans see buying the latest technologies as a necessity rather than a luxury. They just HAVE to have that iphone, even though they already have a cell phone and an ipod. Our society has romanticized the benefits of technology, like the cellphone/watch. It might be more convenient, but really, is it that inconvenient to carry around a pocket sized cell phone?